Diverticulitis Treatment

"Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food. Each one of the substances in a person's diet, acts upon the body and changes it in some unique way, and upon these changes the whole life depends, whether in health, in sickness or convalescent."  

Hippocrates 2 000 years ago.

For this natural diverticulitis treatment we first need to understand very clearly what this condition is, and as always we will endeavor to keep this explanation as simple as possible.

What is Diverticulitis

  • Small pea or grapelike pouches called Diverticula form in the colon wall.
  • When these diverticula form they are there for life and the condition is called Diverticulosis. 
  • Doctors predict that 10% of people with this condition will progress to diverticulitis.
  • When these sacs that have formed in the intestinal wall  become infected and inflamed the condition is now called diverticulitis.

What Causes Diverticulitis

  • Doctors are not really sure as to what causes these pea like pouches, but believe that it could be caused by suffering from constipation for many years which will put strain on the intestinal wall, and can make tiny sections of the wall to bulge out.
  • A diet with adequate fiber produces stool that is bulk and can move easily through the colon, if however the diet is low in fiber, the colon must exert more pressure than usual to move small, hard stool.
  • Diverticulosis is a condition which affects older rather than younger people, because the walls of the large intestine often weaken with age. 
  • This is why it is vital to look after your colon health from a young age, because if  you do develop diverticulosis it can remain undetected and turn into diverticulitis which is a painful inflammation that can become serious.
  • It has been suggested that diverticulitis is caused by smoking; also eating hot and spicy foods and also processed foods and fatty foods, see list below of danger foods

Symptoms of Diverticulitis

What does an attack of Diverticulitis feel like?

  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Tenderness on the left hand side of your abdomen which is relieved when you" let one off" or, when your tummy does work.
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Cramping 

Interesting statistics on Diverticulitis:  This ailment was always considered an older persons disease, but sadly it is becoming more prevalent in obese younger people.

What can I do for my Diverticulitis Treatment?

  • Do not use a suppositories when constipated, this is a quick fix and your system will get addicted. Rather try some home remedies for constipation.
  • It is no secret that high fiber foods are the key to a healthy Colon; 25g a day for women and 38 for men. 
  • One can take supplements to get to your total requirements of fiber, but not whilst you are having an attack of diverticulitis and always take separately from other supplements and medications.
  • Eat at least five servings a day of raw fruits and vegetable for their fiber.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Avoid Caffeine.
  • Try acupuncture for constipation.
  • Drink lotsa water, a vital part of diverticulitis treatment.

Quit Smoking
Avoid Coffee

When an attack occurs you need to scale down on your high fiber foods to give your colon time to heal, try a low fiber diet and lots of clear liquids for a few days and then ease your back into eating fiber.

What can I eat with Diverticulitis Flare Up?

  • An apple a day keeps the Doctor away - it can contain up to 6 grams of fiber and it is preferable to get rid of the skin when eating.
  • Snack on fruits instead of chips, biscuits and fries.
  • Peaches, apricots, oranges, mashed paw paw, banana
  • Brown Rice is a good colon cleaner, therefore a good diverticulitis treatment.
  • Drink vegetable juices, carrots, apples, celery and parsley.
  • Make vegetable soups and  steamed mashed vegetable.
  • Peas
  • Tomato Pasta Sauce
  • Potato with Skin
  • Have chicken or fish instead of red meat.

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What not to eat when you have Diverticulitis?

  • Poppy seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Sunflower seeds

Fruits containing Seeds

  • Pomegranates
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries 
  • Tomatoes

Other Foods

  • chips
  • biscuits
  • French fries
  • Dairy
  • Wheat
  • Sugar
  • Spicy foods
  • Processed foods
  • Fatty foods
  • Nuts
  • Skin of Fruit

Herbal Help

  • Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory and an anti-spasmodic.
  • Ginger is anti-spasmodic
  • Tumeric is anti-inflammatory and analgesic
  • Wild Yam Is anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory
  • Valerian relaxes and soothes the digestive tract
  • Black Haw has anti-spasmodic traits
  • Peppermint is both anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory
  • Alfalfa is a natural source of Vitamin K which is often deficient in people with intestinal disorders.
  • Aloe Vera promotes the healing of inflamed areas.
  • Pau d'arco has antibacterial, cleansing and healing effect.   Drink two cup of pay d'arco tea daily.

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